Author Spotlight: Annemarie Anang - Diversify Publishing Newsletter #11

Anang by Ola Eklöf

Annemarie Anang is an actress, musician and former primary school teacher. She began writing for children after struggling to find books for her daughter that featured main characters who reflected the diversity of children in our world. She campaigns for better mental health and well-being in early years. Annemarie was awarded the 2021 SCBWI/BIPOC writer’s scholarship. A Londoner, born to Ghanaian parents, she lives in Sweden with her young daughter, husband and two adopted cats.

Tell me about yourself.

‘I’m essentially a storyteller through a variety of mediums so I work as an actor, children’s book author, musician and have a background in teaching too. I also campaign for better children’s mental health and well-being.’

Have you always been interested in writing and becoming an Author?

‘Yes, but thought I’d do this much later in life. When I discovered that less than 6% of children’s book creators were people of colour, and that only 5% of children’s books had an ethnic minority main character, I felt I had no choice but become part of the change that was needed, not just for the sake of my own daughter, but for ALL children. Reading books written about a character you identity with instils self-worth and reading about those from different background is how empathy can be created. Both of these are vital for good mental health and well-being as well as for sustainable living. The latest CLPE Reflecting Realities and Book Trust Represents reports show an increase but proves my job is not done yet. I love writing for children and consider it an honour and a dream job that I’d love to still be doing when I’m 75-years-old.’

Where do you draw your inspiration from for writing?

My daughter, life observations, and things I didn’t know as child that I would like children to know.’

Tell me about your children’s book, I Am Nefertiti.

Instilling confidence in children is so important, especially in a society where difference, uniqueness and individuality are sometimes not respected or valued. I AM NEFERTITI is a heart-warming, joyful story for everyone about identity, belonging and recognising the importance each player has in the bigger team. I purposefully chose a black girl who played a challenging instrument and wanted to give her a beautiful rhythmical name with a wonderful meaning, like Nefertiti. Being a musician, I naturally chose a musical setting, and the book has some rhyming sections.

Nefertiti plays the drums, and the band comes together as one. “I am Nefertiti” she says, and she feels ten feet tall. But when the new music teacher shortens her name to ‘Nef’, bit by bit, she starts to shrink. Without Nefertiti to keep the beat, the band is in disarray . . . “I am Nefertiti!” she whispers to herself. Drawing on her inner strength and with the support of the other children, they help Miss Potts recognise the importance of honouring Nefertiti’s name. Now, when Nefertiti keeps the beat, the music sounds so sweet!

Still from ‘Nefertiti Keeps the Beat’ filmed by Clyde Circus Productions AB

There are a lot of fun resources on my website and a musical educational mini video series on YouTube, NEFERTITI KEEPS THE BEAT, where children are introduced to Nefertiti’s band and their wonderful global instruments.

I AM NEFERTITI is an ideal story for classroom discussions, book group settings and at home around the themes of identify, self-confidence and peer support.’

What was your experience like with getting published and the process behind that?

It happened pretty quickly. I came back from tour with a bunch of story ideas and a couple of completed stories that I felt pretty confident about. I discovered a publisher I was interested in had open submissions for a very limited time, so limited that I wouldn’t be able to find a critique group to critique my work. Fortunately, members of SCBWI BI Facebook were very helpful in recommending Natascha Biebow of Blue Elephant Storyshaping as a freelance editor. She gave me very useful feedback in time for submission. Natascha is also the editorial director for Five Quills and soon after they made me an offer for one of my stories! Amazing illustrator Natelle Quek agreed to be on board and one year and 3 months later, my debut children’s book I AM NEFERTITI was published!

During this time, I deeply immersed myself in the of publishing industry by researching and participating in a heap of workshops, courses and conferences ran by SCBWI and Megaphone. A few months after publication I also became agented.

What advice would you give others who are looking to get published and making a full-time career as an Author?

Be brave when it comes to submitting your work to a publisher or finding an agent. It can be scary to share your work with others but there will always be rejection and that should be an expected part of your journey. Learn from it by listening to the advice that is useful and get back on your horse.

If you live in or around London and have children aged 3-7 years old, Annemarie will be partnering with Round Table Bookshop to do an I AM NEFERTITI sing-a-long workshop at Deptford Literature Festival, Saturday 18 March 10:00-10:45am.

Book and reserve your FREE space, here!

I AM NEFERTITI is available from all good bookstores including Afrori Books,, and Five Quills.

Connect with Annemarie Anang:

Instagram: @annemarieauthor

Twitter: @AnnemarieAnang


Children’s mental health and well-being campaign: here!