What I Read - February 2022

Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah

When I was younger, I read the Chinese Cinderella and I had no idea until I started to read this book that they’re by the same author and Falling Leaves is more of an adult version and gives a full overview of Adeline’s story. If you haven’t already, I would definitely recommend reading Chinese Cinderella, it gives more of a revised version of her autobiography and not solely about her life as an unwanted child.

Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo


I cannot believe it has taken me three years to read this beautiful book. This is so deserving of the Booker Prize 2019.

What I loved the most about this book is how everyone's story interlinks, like in Love Actually. Finding out as you read, who knows who and what their relationships are like; it really gelled the book together nicely and made me more emotionally attached to each character.

Each person's story is so powerful, beautiful, and heart breaking at times. There were even moments of pure shock, reading the actions of certain characters - definitely do not what to give too much away here. But wow, I ended up hating a certain character A LOT.

Bernadine’s style of writing to me is so unique, no full stops, no capital letters at the start of each new sentence or paragraph... so unlike what I've read before, but in the best way. It really added something to my reading experience and allowed me to flow through it so easily.

There Are Girls like Lions by Cole Swensen

I'm still very new to the world of poetry. At times I feel like I understand the world these women speak of... yet at other times, I feel like an alien.